Nevada Bioinformatics Center

Overview of Services

The Nevada Bioinformatics Center provides bioinformatics research resources, services, and training to Nevada scientists in the support of existing research programs and in the development of new programs and grant applications.

We provide:

  • High-Throughput Sequence Data Analysis (Alignment and Assemly)
  • Proteomics Data Analysis
  • Microarray Data Analysis
  • Multi-omics and other Data Analysis
  • Biostatistics & Clinical Informatics
  • Experimental Design
  • Pathway Analysis with iPathwayGuide
  • Workshops/Seminars
  • Consultation

Please explore our Services page for more information or contact us directly. 

This core is supported by the NV INBRE and the MW CTR-IN, grants from the NIH National Institute of General Medical Sciences (GM103440, 5 U54 GM104944). The iLab license was provided by the NV INBRE Administrative Supplement, a grant from the NIH National Institute of General Medical Sciences (GM103440-14A1S1).

Location and hours of operation

Hours Location

Monday - Friday
9:00 AM - 4:00 PM             

Applied Research Facility
1664 N. Virginia Street,
Reno, NV 89557


Name Role Phone Email Location
Juli Petereit
(775) 784-4359
ARF 306
Hans Vasquez-Gross
Bioinformatics Scientist
(775) 784-7042
ARF 203

Services Price List

Search available services:
Name Description Price
1-1 or small group Trainings and Workshops (Per Hour)

Offering specialized bioinformatics and data science trainings on demand in a 1-1 or small groupvsetting (in-person or virtual)

16S Microbial Community Analysis (Per Additional Sample)

Analysis of 16S rRNA genes, including QC of raw data, preprocessing, alignment, quantification, OUT clustering (ASV can be requested), relative abundance estimates and taxonomic classification, and statistical and microbial community analysis presented as box, stacked bar and PCA plots. Add-on services such as additional statistical analysis are available.

Basic Genome Assembly - Per Project

Genome (re)assembly for genome size < 5Gb. Data preprocessing, followed by de novo assembly, polishing, and submitting to NCBI (using the same data type, e.g.,illumina or PacBio). NOT INCLUDED: curation, annotation, phasing haplotypes (using Illumine, PacBio, and/or HiC) – but these services can be requested.

Data Analysis (Per Hour)


Custom bioinformatics analysis from experimental design to publication for a variety of omic-data, including but not limited to single-cell, metagenomics, gene-ontology, and functional enrichment analyses.

GBS-based GWAS Analysis - Per Project (Up to 1,000 Samples)

Genome Wide Association Study (GWAS) analysis based upon genotyping-based sequencing (GBS) includes QC with trimming, bwa mapping, SNP detection and QC followed by downstream analysis.

GBS-based GWAS Analysis - Per Project (Up to 500 Samples)

Genome Wide Association Study (GWAS) analysis based upon genotyping-based sequencing (GBS) includes QC with trimming, bwa mapping, SNP detection and QC followed by downstream analysis.

iPathwayGuide Analysis (Per Run) Inquire
Manuscript Preparation (Per Hour) Inquire
Pre-Proposal Support

Per Hour.
We offer support to researchers at the pre-proposal phase to help researchers win competitive grant funding by outlining analytical tasks and pipelines, as well as provide cost analyses for experiments.

RNA-Seq (Per Additional Sample)

RNA-Seq differential expression analysis for model or well-annotated organism, including QC of raw data, preprocessing, alignment to genome, quantification, QC of feature counts, and generation of tables of differentially expressed genes for typical two-factor experiment.

RNA-Seq - Per Project (Up to 18 Samples)

RNA-Seq differential expression analysis for model or well-annotated organism, including QC of raw data, preprocessing, alignment to genome, quantification, QC of feature counts, and generation of tables of differentially expressed genes for typical two-factor experiment.

SNP Analysis - Per Project (Up to 5 Samples)

Variant analysis starting from raw data to QC, alignment, variant calling to VCF output and JBrowse integration.

SNP Analysis - Per Project (Up to 50 Samples)

Variant analysis starting from raw data to QC, alignment, variant calling to VCF output and JBrowse integration.

Software Architecture (Per Hour)

Building pipelines, writing custom code, and creating databases.

Technical Support (Per Hour)

Including, but not limited to Ubuntu-Linux workstations/server setup, troubleshooting remote access issues and general computer/software issues, assist in rackable server setup

