Transgenic Animal Genotyping and Phenotyping Core

Cardiovascular COBRE Core B

Overview of Services

Core B aims to establish and operate a centralized facility that provides services, advice, training, and technical support for evaluating transgenic animal genotyping and cardiovascular phenotyping research. Operations of a centralized facility is to provide an infrastructure for the success of cardiovascular research and facilitate the development of novel drugs for the treatment of cardiovascular diseases. Major Cardiovascular Phenotyping techniques offered by this core are continuous blood pressure, heart rate, ECG monitoring by radio telemetry system, in vivo calcium imaging & optogenetics in live free-moving mice, echocardiography, laser doppler blood flow recording.


Blaine Harper, Ph.D.  
Genotyping Specialist  


Location and hours of operation

Hours Location



Savitt Health Sciences Room 42

1664 N. Virginia Street

Reno, NV 89557

Links and Resources

  1. COBRE Core Website
  2. List of Genetically Modified Mice Strains


Name Role Phone Email Location
Jessica Garfield
Director of IDeA Research Administration
Savitt Health Sciences Room 42

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